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All Locations
South Bay Community Services
Phone: (619) 650-1597
Home Start, Inc.
Phone: (619) 402-0278
North Coastal/North Inland
Palomar Health
Phone: (760) 739-3261
Central/North Central
SAY San Diego
Phone: (619) 283-9624
First Steps is a no-cost program for San Diego parents-to-be and parents of infants and toddlers.
COVID-19: How We’re Supporting Families in Times of Need
First Steps’ priority is the health and safety of the families and children we serve. Although we are following physical social distancing, we are still connecting and partnering with families virtually! During this time, we understand that you have a lot going on and these could be stressful times. First Steps is a flexible program and can schedule online visits that work best for you and your family.
If you are interested in learning more about the program and see if you are eligible, please contact a First Steps provider near you.
To get started in the First Steps Program:
1) To find YOUR closest provider, enter your zip code to the left and click the provider that pops up.
2) Contact the representative at your location.
3) Click on the Interest Form link to open a contact form for that representative.
Palomar Health
South Bay Community Services
Home Start, Inc.
Say San Diego